Increased API Error Rates
Incident Report for Insights

Due to one of our third party services having issues our search feature had intermittent issues for about half of the day.

Initial reports of increased error rates began around 9AM CT.

We identified the root cause of our issue was a third party system, which we promptly created a severity 1 lvl ticket in their system.

Around 2 PM CT we received confirmation that a fix was put in place in the third-parties system, and we began to see a slowing of error rates.

We gave the all clear around 3PM CT after monitoring the situation for any other issues.

Posted Feb 09, 2022 - 19:35 CST

Due to a third party service having intermittent issues; This caused Insights searches to be delayed or even fail, which led to further platform instability. Intermittent downtime was experienced throughout the day.
Posted Feb 09, 2022 - 09:00 CST